WinterTime Col-Hat
After putting this pattern on Ravelry, I became a few questions if this pattern will come in English.
So Elles Zwart translated it for me. Thank You very much for that!!!
WinterTime Col-Hat
After putting this pattern on Ravelry, I became a few questions if this pattern will come in English.
So Elles Zwart translated it for me. Thank You very much for that!!!
You can fold this Col in different ways. As you can see on the big picture.
You fold it to the other side, then your col can go deeper in your neck. It is a little bit better when there is a lot of wind. As you can see on the photo below.
You can fold this Col in different ways. As you can see on the big picture.
You fold it to the other side, then your col can go deeper in your neck. It is a little bit better when there is a lot of wind. As you can see on the photo below.
Naughty Santa Ladies
In 2017 had ik de traditional Naughty Santa Lady gehaakt. Deze was toen met enkele kriebels op verschillende papiertjes vastgelegd. Na wat ontcijferen en het haken van de Modern Naughty Santa Lady zijn er eindelijk twee patronen uitgekomen.
In 2018 zijn deze 2 leuke dames als Creatieve Cal gegeven.
Onderaan deze pagina vind je alle prachtige exemplaren van deze CAL.